Visionary Jack of Trades


Free to be Me


About me


Welcome to my site. I am Bienca Calie. I am a visionary jack of trades. I do quite a lot and am very much the type of person that wants to try everything at least once (lol). I am a visionary. I am a creator. I am a lover. I am a fighter. I am a free spirit. I am a spiritualist. I am a photographer. I am a student of the stars (Astrology). I am a student of the universe and most importantly… I am a friend. I made this site as a means to express every single talent of mine I come across. We’re often taught to slim down our options but energy, passion, love, and art are all interchangeable. I am here to express those ever so freely. Life is about the experience… so join me on mine.

Listen to my latest podcast